Cmdr. Kevin D. Cummings
Executive Officer, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS) Bahrain
11 July 2024
Cmdr. Cummings is a native of Texas. He enlisted in the Navy September 1994 and progressed to the rank of Chief Petty Officer in 2005. Later, he was commissioned via the Limited Duty Officer program, where he laterally converted to an Information Professional in 2013. He is an Information Warfare and Surface Warfare qualified officer with assignments and experience with Aircraft Carriers, Amphibious Ships, Aegis Cruisers, Patrol Craft and Mobile Communications. Operationally, he has deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom / Operation Iraqi Freedom, Joint POW / MIA Accounting Command, and various other missions in the Western Pacific, Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf.
As a commissioned officer his tours consisted of Communications Officer / Electronic Key Management System Custodian on board USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6). He served as an Individual Augmentee to Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan as Operation Officer to CJ6. He served as Fleet Communications Officer on staff of Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / Commander 5
th Fleet. At SPAWAR Systems Command Pacific he was assigned as the Fleet Service Manager. In 2013 he served as Officer in Charge of the Joint Mobile Ashore Support Terminal and stood up the first ever Deployable Joint Command and Control for Commander 5
th Fleet. In 2015 he later led a diverse military staff as Assistant Chief of Staff for Communication and Information Systems for Commander, Logistic Group Western Pacific / Task Force 73 located in Singapore. While assigned to Commander Destroyer Squadron FIFTY in 2018, he served most of his tour dual hatted as the Chief Staff Officer and N6 Department Head located in Manama Bahrain. Cmdr. Cummings’ most recent tour was at Joint Allied Forces Command Naples, Italy where he served as Cyber Defense Officer for NATO until 2023. Most recent duty he served on board USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) as the C5I Officer.
He holds a Master of Science in Information Technology Management from Trident University International, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management from University of Maryland University College. Commercial Industry certifications include Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Network Defense Architect, CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner, and Security Plus.
Cmdr. Cummings’ personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and Navy Commendation Medal with three gold stars, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with five gold stars, and numerous campaign medals and ribbons.