Rear Adm. Gregory K. Emery
Commander, Naval Information Force Reserve
04 October 2024
Rear Adm. Greg Emery is a Maryland native. He graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Oceanography. He earned a Master of Arts from the Naval War College in National Security and Strategic Studies and his Joint Professional Military Education from the Joint Forces Staff College.
Emery initially served as a surface warfare officer aboard USS Mitscher (DDG 57) and transferred to naval oceanography in 1998. He now serves as a member of the Navy’s Information Warfare community.
Affiliating with the Navy Reserve in 2001, his shore assignments include training officer, Naval Support Activity Bahrain, Wichita, Kansas, officer-in-charge, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Reserve Activity Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and executive officer, Naval Oceanographic Office Intelligence unit. In 2006, he was recalled to active duty as reserve program director for commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command.
Emery mobilized as the chief of staff for the director of intelligence, Headquarters Resolute Support and United States Forces Afghanistan in 2018. Following redeployment, he was recalled to active duty serving as the chief of staff for commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command.
His four command assignments include Meteorology and Oceanography units in San Diego, Calif., Stennis Space Center, Miss., a Navy Information Operations unit in Augusta, Ga., and Naval Information Forces Reserve Region South in Fort Worth, Texas. His previous flag assignment was deputy director of information warfare integration, N2N6, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
He is the recipient of the Knowlton Award for leadership in military intelligence and has earned various unit, campaign, and personal awards.