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An Ombudsman is the spouse or other family member of a service member who has volunteered their time and effort to guide other families through various problems that may arise from time to time. The Ombudsman is not responsible for solving problems but will be able to point you in the right direction to get help to solve problems on your own. Navy ombudsman are valuable assets in facilitating communications between the commanding officer and family members, fostering a better understanding of the needs and viewpoints of the service member and their families, and providing information and assistance to family members of the command.
If you need assistance, you may contact the NCTAMS LANT Ombudsmans.
Ombudsman fulfill the following role:
Serve as the primary link/liaison between NCTAMS LANT service member families and the command.
Serve as the primary communicator of information between the command and command families.
Communicate regularly with NCTAMS LANT families.
Provide information on outreach to command family members. Interact and cooperate with organizations and military offices such as family service centers, chaplain's office, medical treatment facilities, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, American Red Cross, and legal assistance offices. These organizations are valuable resources in obtaining assistance for command family members.
Refer individuals in need of professional assistance to appropriate resources. Ombudsman may provide support to individuals and refer them for counseling. Counseling is not provided by the ombudsman.
Act as an advocate for command family members. Ombudsman, by using their knowledge of the system, can help access the appropriate level of the chain of command for intervention and for the forwarding of appropriate requests/grievances while exercising confidentiality.
An ombudsman's role does not include social duties.