U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS) Far East was originally designated as Naval Communications Facility, Yokosuka Japan and was commissioned on 8 January 1951 after the outbreak of the Korean Conflict. In December 1952, U.S. Naval Radio Receiving Facility, Kami Seya, Japan was completed and the Security Group Department and general service receivers were moved to Kami Seya. During the Korean Conflict, the rest of NAVCOMMFAC Yokosuka moved to Kami Seya. In 1960, the command was redesignated U.S. Naval Communications Facility Japan and relocated to Yokosuka Japan. The following year, the command was again redesignated as U.S. Naval Communications Station, Japan. This name stood for 30 years until 1991, when it was changed to U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Japan to acknowledge the increasing reliance on computers and telephones in telecommunications. Also in 1991, NTCCs Atsugi and Sasebo and NAVCOMM Dets Okinawa and Misawa were functionally transferred to NAVCOMTELSTA Japan. 1993 saw the transfer of Base Communications Offices (BCOs) at Atsugi, Sasebo and Yokosuka to NAVCOMTELSTA Japan. Then in 1995, another name change to U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Far East occurred with the functional transfer of the Communications Department from Commander Fleet Activities Chinhae, Korea to this command and the establishment of NAVCOMM Det Chinhae. The Headquarters, Naval Telecommunications Center, Technical Control Facility and BCO are located in Yokosuka , where NAVCOMTELSTA Far East is a tenant of the Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka.
Originally, naval communications on Okinawa was provided by a Naval Communication Station located on Futenma Marine Base. The NAVCOMMSTA relocated to the Navy Air Base, Naha City and became a department of the Naval Air Facility, Naha. In May 1972, NAF Naha was combined with Fleet Activities Okinawa. In 1975, the Naha base was disestablished and all naval facilities were relocated to Kadena Air Base becoming Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa. During the same period, the Anti-Submarine Warfare Communications Center (ASCOMM) Department, an integral part of the Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center (ASWOC) of FAIRWING ONE DET NAHA, also relocated from Naha to Kadena. Naval Radio Transmitting Facility Awase, originally an Army/Air Force communications site, was transferred to the Navy in 1966 and eventually became part of Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa Communications Department. NAVCOMM Det Okinawa was established and joined the NAVCOMTELSTA team in February 1991. NAVCOMM Det Okinawa consists of Tactical Support Center Communications (TSCCOMM) Division, COMSEC Material System (CMS) Division, Naval Radio Transmitter Facility (NRTF) Awase, and Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (SURTASS) Division.
Base Communications Office
ATSUGI U.S. Naval Telecommunications Center (NTCC) Atsugi, Japan was commissioned in February 1991 as a part of NAVCOMTELSTA Japan. NTCC provided messaging support to customers on board U.S. Naval Air Facility Atsugi until being disestablished in 1994. In 1993, responsibility for Base Communications Office (BCO) Atsugi transferred from NAF Atsugi Public Works Department to NAVCOMTELSTA Japan, N2 Department, to improve support for business and residential base telecommunications services for NAF Atsugi. In 2005, the NAF Atsugi ADP office transferred to NAVCOMTELSTA Far East as part of N4 Department and eventually became known as Local Network Service Center (LNSC) Atsugi. LNSC provides host services, materials, and IT support to NAF Atsugi, and Commander, Carrier Air Wing 5 (CVW-5), as well as other tenant commands and transient squadrons and detachments. In March 2009, NAVCOMTELSTA FAR EAST DET ATSUGI was officially established, consisting of the LNSC and BCO, to provide support for increased local communications requirements on board NAF Atsugi.
U.S. Naval Communications Detachment Misawa was officially established in February 1991. NAVCOMM Det Misawa's primary mission is to operate and maintain the Tactical Support Communications Center in support of Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing One Det Misawa, and operational deployed commander, Commander Task Group 72.4. In addition, provides CMS, STU-III, and GATEGUARD equipment along with training and technical assistance to Naval Air Facility and 12 tenant commands. "PROVIDING TOTAL RELIABLE COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT TO THE P3C ORION FLEET"
U.S. Naval Telecommunications Center (NTCC) Sasebo was established in February 1991 and is located on board U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo. It was renamed U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Detachment when BCO Sasebo transferred to NAVCOMTELSTA in 1993. NCTD Sasebo provides communications, maintenance and training support to tenant commands, six forward deployed ships, visiting dignitaries, and transitting units. In addition, NCTD provides base telecommunications service for 830 official and unofficial customers.
The Chinhae detachment was officially established in October 1995 after the detachment’s re-designation from a Naval Telecommunication Center (NTCC) to NAVCOMM DET under U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Far East... The detachment has approx. 26 military and 8 contractor personnel with an Officer-in-Charge and Assistant Officer-in-Charge, who are also the Director and Deputy Director for the Information Technology Operations Center (ITOC), Korea. The mission of the detachment is to provide rapid, reliable, secure communications and information technology services using a multi-million dollar communications infrastructure that includes Allied legacy messaging, Secret Internet Protocol Router Networks/Sensitive Protocol Router Network Nodes, Defense Message System, Video Teleconferencing, Army Switch Multiplexer Unit - Secure Phone network, COMSEC/EKMS and several voice/data circuits to mobile and ashore units of Commander in Chief, Republic of Korea Fleet; Commander, Naval Forces Korea; Commander, Seventh Fleet , and Joint forces operating within and around the Republic of Korea in support of numerous exercises, real world events and contingencies operations. We have become the telecommunications and computer experts in the Far East. The future brings to us enhanced technology with the ability to expand our capabilities and wide ranging impact on worldwide telecommunications for outstanding service to the fleet.
The mission of NCTAMS Det Diego Garcia is to provide quality assurance evaluation and management of Naval telecommunication facilities, communications security and Defense Information System Agency assets. Additionally, we provide tactical and strategic support to the fleet, national consumers, allied forces in the Indian Ocean theater and all commands and activities on Diego Garcia.