Sponsor Information
Congratulations on your orders to U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NAVCOMTELSTA) Bahrain, located on board U.S. Naval Support Activity (NSA), Bahrain. The Navy selected you to join one of the finest Navy organizations in the world and one whose critical mission continues to expand. We are an operational command providing secure and reliable telecommunications to U.S. Naval, joint, and coalition forces in the Central Command (CENTCOM) Area of Operation. Our highly professional and dedicated team welcomes you. A sponsor will be assigned to you and will assist you in every way possible before and after your arrival. Address any questions you have to your sponsor at (Commercial) 011-973-1785-4185, (DSN) 318-439-4185 or by e-mail at m-ba-ncts-sponsor@us.navy.mil
Your mailing address is:
NCTS Bahrain
PSC 851 Box 680
FPO AE 09834-0007
COMUSNAVCENT requires all E-4 and below to live on-base (exceptions are made if the barracks are full). All personnel E5 and above receive temporary lodging allowance to stay in a hotel until economy housing is located. The maximum temporary lodging authorized is 45 days, starting the day you arrive. Living on the economy can be expensive. Local furnished apt/villas are available. The Navy provides advance overseas housing allowance (OHA) and moving in housing allowance (MIHA) for the first two months after move-in date. Talk to the personnel support detachment to determine your exact entitlement.
Required actions:
a. Obtain a no fee passport.
b. Receive specific financial counseling.
c. Contact your command security manager. All NCTS personnel are required to have a minimum of a secret clearance. Personnel reporting without a clearance or who are due for a periodic re-investigation will not be given an access badge until this paper work has been completed. This item is a must and your orders could be modified if your clearance is in question.
All personnel transferring overseas must complete an overseas screening. You must ensure complete accuracy of official statements regarding overseas screening status. Commanding Officers are responsible for providing an update message to COMNAVPERSCOM Millington TN and NAVCOMTELSTA Bahrain within 15 calendar days of receipt of orders. This message should state that you are either found suitable, unsuitable or that more time is needed. If your command needs more time, a status message must be sent every thirty days thereafter or until a final determination is made. If your command submitted your suitability message, report any change in the overseas screening status to NAVCOMTELSTA Bahrain.
NCTS Bahrain has a limited number of Command sponsored dependent quotas. To be able to bring their dependent they MUST be sponsored. To obtain a quota they need to work through their detailer, current command and NCTS Command Master Chief. Incoming Sailors desiring a quota need to contact the CMC at: m-ba-ncts-cmc@us.navy.mil. If you approved by command and detailer for an accompanied tour and have children you are advised to visit https://qol.navyaims.net/cypweb to register for childcare with NSA Bahrain child development center early as space is limited. If you decline the option to bring your dependents, you are entitled in most cases to simultaneously draw basic allowance for housing (BAH) in CONUS and overseas housing allowance (OHA) in Bahrain. Please be aware that there are restrictions to drawing BAH for divorced males or fathers of children born out of wedlock without a court order designating sole physical and legal custody of dependents. Contact your personnel office for further information before executing your orders. IAW OPNAVINST 7220.12, members electing an overseas unaccompanied tour must submit a request to Navy Personnel Command, PERS-451h for approval in order to receive BAH based on dependent location in CONUS. Approval must be provided to servicing PSD in order to start BAH entitlement.
Once your final travel arrangements are made contact your sponsor to inform them of your arrival date. The command will have a representative at the airport to greet you. In the event of travel delays or flight changes please notify Command Duty Officer (CDO) at 011-973-3945-3947 or Watch floor 011-973-1785-4185.
The key to a successful overseas tour is preparation, adaptability and a positive attitude. I want to ensure you have all the information you require before embarking on what I know will be a challenging and rewarding assignment. We maintain an outstanding reputation throughout the fleet and have for many years. This recognition is possible through unselfish contributions by dedicated Sailors such as yourself. I know that you bring with you unique talents which will make our team even stronger.
The command sponsor coordinator and the Command Master Chief are always available to assist you.
Please call or email us if you have any questions or are unable to reach your sponsor.
(Commercial Phone): 011-973-1785-3014, (DSN) 318-439-3014
Email: m-ba-ncts-sponsor@us.navy.mil or for the CMC, m-ba-ncts-cmc@us.navy.mil.
Welcome aboard. We look forward to your arrival.
Below are more Resources:
1. NCTS Bahrain Welcome Aboard Packet
2. NSA Bahrain Welcome Aboard Packet
3. Military and Civilian Clothing Policy
3.a. Approved Attire
3.b. Prohibited Attire
4. Bahrain Moving Tips
5. Pet Importation Information
6. Relocation Checklist
7. Sailor Check-In
8. Base Map
9. Liberty & Curfew Instruction