Naval Information Warfare Training Group (NIWTG) Norfolk advances the fleet's information warfare warfighting (IW) readiness through operational-based training, highly experienced IW deployers, and IW mission data management in support afloat and ashore commands to deliver decisive advantages in the maritime domain.
Congratulations on receipt of your orders to IWTG Norfolk!
The number one goal of the command sponsorship team is to ensure your check in process provides you all of the information needed for a smooth transition to the command. This process all starts with effective two way communications between you and your sponsor. If you have not been contacted by your sponsor please request a sponsor or call the command quarterdeck to get in contact with the Sponsorship Coordinator or the command master chief so we can fulfill your sponsorship needs.
The command is headquartered on Naval Station Norfolk in building U132 which is the location you report on your first day of duty. The command operates normally Monday through Friday from 0730 to 1600 and the uniform for newly reporting personnel is service dress blue/white (season dependent).