Cryptologic Warfare Group (CWG) 6 and Task Force 1060 delivers information warfare capabilities to the fleet. The command provides and deploys trained Sailors, expertise and equipment to conduct Signals Intelligence and Cyberspace operations for naval and Joint Forces.
Deliver world class Information Warfare Forces to fight and win our nation's battle.
Expectations and Guiding Principles
The nature of warfare is changing and we are at the center of it. Information Warfare will be the key to our Navy's ability to prevail in future competition and conflict. As combat ready warfighters, we must drive operational outcomes. The following principles will guide us in this endeavor.
Teamwork: We are more powerful together than we could ever be alone. We must harness that power by learning about, embracing, and leveraging the differences that make us unique. Broadening our collective knowledge and perspective will enable us to produce greater outcomes for our Navy and Nation. Achieving those outcomes will require humility and individual commitment to the group effort.
Initiative: New and more complex challenges require new and more complex thinking. We must challenge assumptions, question old ways of doing business, and bring new solutions to bear. We'll make mistakes along the way. That's OK as long as we learn and grow from them.
Growth: Personal and professional growth are essential to mission accomplishment. By improving our individual knowledge, abilities, and physical and mental well-being, we will strengthen ourselves and therefore our team. We need each other at our best.
Excellence: Our pivotal role in future conflict demands the best of us. We must know our profession, know our trade craft, know our adversaries, and know ourselves. We must hold ourselves and our teammates accountable. Excellence is not just a measure, it is also a mind set.
Resilience: Just as our Navy's warfighting platforms - whether ships, satellites, or networks - must be resilient, so must we. We must take time for family, friends, or whatever recharges and energizes us. Our batteries will sometimes get low. When they do, remember that leaning on a shipmate, asking for help, or offering help is a sign of exceptional strength and character. We are all in this fight together.